Advanced Placement (AP)
2024-25 Advanced Placement Exam Information
JHS Late order fees for our Spring AP Exams:
ALL STUDENTS must complete TWO MANDATORY STEPS to sign up for AP Exam(s):
- Students must register for their AP Exam by entering their class/exam Join Code in their College Board account (
- Join Codes for classes are given by teachers.
- Students who want to "self Study" will be able to obtain "Exam Only" codes by emailing
- Families can verify if their student has entered a Join Code by looking at their student's College Board account.
- If the class is not visible, a Join Code has not been entered.
2. AFTER entering the Join Code, pay for each AP exam your student has registered in MY AP Classroom through the LWSD Payment Portal.
- If both steps are not completed by midnight on Wednesday, October 30th, your exam order status will be changed to 'No' on the College Board's website.
- Students who miss the October, 2024, registration/payment window can pay during a late registration window in early 2025. There will be a $50 late fee per exam.
LWSD AP Exam Schedule
If you want to take an AP Exam and are not enrolled in an AP Course, you will need to touch base with Mr. Ivy ( so he can get you a registration code.
2025 Late Testing
AP Coordinator
Breck Ivy, Dean of Students
SSD Coordinator -Lynn Lawrence
- All exams are fully digital or a digital/paper hybrid. Students will be required to use their school laptops to take their exams. To see which exams are hybrid, review this page:
- Students must know their College Board account login information to participate in the AP exam. If a student arrives to their exam and forgets their password, they will not be able to test as there is no workaround for this security measure.
College Board
What is the College Board?
The College Board develops and administers standardized tests and curricula to promote college-readiness and as part of the college admissions process.
Advanced Placement (AP) Quick Overview
Taking AP classes in high school helps students prepare for the college-level work load. Students learn to:
- Develop effective study habits
- Improve writing skills
- Sharpen critical thinking skills
AP also teaches discipline and helps students grow and mature academically. Students report that they enjoy the challenge of the AP program. High school faculty reports that AP courses greatly enhance student confidence and academic interest. College faculty find that AP students are far better prepared for serious academic work.
- Purpose and Nature of Advanced Placement
- Exam Accomodations
- Information about Awards of College Credit or Advanced Placement
- Information about AP Scoring
- AP Score Reports