2024-2025 Winter Team Sports
Registration for Winter sports opens October 9th. Gymnastics (Girls) begins on Monday, November 11th. Basketball (Boys and Girls), Flag Football (Girls), Swim & Dive (Boys), and Wrestling (Co-ed) begin on Monday, November 18th.
For registration deadlines, payment information and more:
Registration and deadline information here
Información de inscripción y fecha límite
Informações sobre inscrições e prazo
Go to the MAIN Athletics page to finish the Online Athletic Process
First Day Practice and or Try-outs
- Men's Basketball First day of try-outs, Monday November 18th
- Women's Basketball First day of try-outs, Monday November 18th
- Women's Flag Football First day of practice, Monday, November 18th
- Gymnastics First day of try-outs, Monday November 11th
- Men's Swim & Dive First day of practice, Monday November 18th
- Wrestling First day of practice, Monday November 18th
Winter Sports & Coach Contacts
For information and schedules, please contact the coaches below:
- Basketball, Men's Kevin Williams
- Basketball, Women's Katya Yancheva
- Cheer Tiara Curow
- Flag Football, Women's Bailey Arnold
- Gymnastics Samantha Hanna
- Swimming, Men's Randi Sowders
- Wrestling Kevin Corbett
You may pay the participation fee online or with the Bookkeeper - before school or during lunch.
- Men’s and Women’s Basketball and Gymnastics are cut sports. Payment for Participation Fee will not be accepted until your student is placed on a team. The ASB fee is to be paid prior to tryouts.
- Wrestling, Men’s Swim and Women's Flag Football must pay the Participation fee and ASB Fee prior to the first practice
Please plan ahead and do not wait until the first day of practice/tryouts to clear. Missing forms, signatures, payment and/or sports physicals not valid to the end of season will result in clearance not being issued and the athlete missing the first day of practice/tryouts.
Our Athletics Team
Athletic Director: Jason Thurston
(425) 936-1606
Athletic Secretary: Kris Blanch
(425) 936-1673
Athletic Trainer: Kayla Cunningham
(425) 936-1641
Athletic Complex Manager: Alec Hinn
(425) 936-1636
Athletic Office Hours: 8:00am - 3:30pm
Important Athletic Links
About Registration:
How Athletics Transportation Works
Contact Your Coach:
Most up-to-date schedules for all sports:
- Kingco Conference Athletic Calendar - new site coming soon, check back mid-January for updates
National Collegiate Athletic Association:
JHS Booster Club: The below link is an external link. Booster club websites are not controlled or operated by the Lake Washington School District