What are Career Clusters?
Career clusters are 16 categories of related jobs and industries based on the skills or products they involve. Within each cluster, there are career pathways that correspond to a collection of courses and training opportunities to prepare students for a chosen career.
To choose the best courses that fit your future goals, explore the many pathway options.
- Xello
- Big Future
- Big Future: Career Quiz
- Career Clusters Interest Survey
- CareerOneStop
- Code.org: Career Exploration
- O*NET Ability Profiler
- O*NET My Next Move
- Washington Career Bridge
- 16personalities
Big Future
Big Future: Career Quiz
Career Clusters Interest Survey
Code.org: Career Exploration
O*NET Ability Profiler
O*NET My Next Move
Washington Career Bridge
A graduation requirement is completion of a Graduation Pathway which is chosen by a student and must be aligned with their High School and Beyond Plan.
One of those Pathways is the CTE Graduation Pathway in which students complete a sequence of 2.0 or more CTE credits in a CTE Pathway that either includes a dual college credit course or leads to an industry recognized credential.
Employability Framework
Applied Knowledge
Workplace Skills
Effective Relationships
Washington CTCs
Advantages of CTCs
Guided Pathways at CTCs
Guided Pathways is a new system for a more accessible approach to earning degrees. Here is a short video overview that explains guided pathways for WA CTCs.
CTCs Fact Sheets on Majors
Find community or technical colleges that have your intended major at: Bigfuturesmallpricetag.org/find-your-program. Individual College websites will often have fact sheets about the types of jobs and salary to expect in the area, after completing the degree. For example: