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The College & Career Center (CCC) is a place where students may come to find out about college visits, scholarships, job openings, field trips, and volunteer opportunities. We are here to provide information and guidance to help students navigate their post high school options. The CCC provides many resources to meet the interests and needs of students, including career exploration, college planning, scholarships, college visits, volunteer/community service, and employment.

Follow us on Instagram for upcoming events & student recognition @jhscollegecareercenter 

Connect with the College & Career Center

Jasper Adams (he/them)
College & Career Guidance Specialist

Peggy Shay (she/her)
College & Career Assistant

Makers space & tool rental Library Now open 7:45-8:30am and 3:20-4:30pm schooldays

Volunteering, Speakers, and Field Trips also available on Wednesdays during ACT and After school. Workshops offered weekly.

What Parents Should Know

Check out our FAQ 

Upcoming JHS Events

Careers logo


Military Pathways

Steps to Joining the Military

  1. Meet with a recruiter 
  2. MEPS 
  3. Take the ASVAB 
  4. Pass the physical examination
  5. Determine Military career with a service enlistment counselor
  6. Oath of Enlistment 
  7. Basic Training

Military Guide: find out which branch is best for you!

Juanita Specific Reps

Army National Guard:

The Marines:

The Army:  Morin, Peter A SGT USARMY USAREC (USA)

Gap Year Programs

Volunteer and/or Live Abroad 


Peace Corps 

American Field Service 

Habitat for Humanity 

Determining a career path

Guide to Career Exploration

Browse Careers & take a Career Quiz


Earn while you learn
Apprenticeship is a system for training a new generation of practitioners of a trade or profession with on-the-job training and often some accompanying study. Apprenticeships can also enable practitioners to gain a license to practice in a regulated occupation. 

Hands on career training for crafts or trades:

Find Pre-Apprenticeships and Explore Wages Across Industries

Find Open Apprenticeships and Unions 

Women in the Trades 


Many Apprenticeship and Trades programs are highly competitive in King County. We recommend taking a few dedicated classes at a local community college or trade school before applying. Some top trade schools include:

Renton Technical College

Lake Washington Institute of Technology

South Seattle College

Seattle Central College


College logo


Explore your options on youtube with Study Hall

From the same creators as Sci-show and Crash-course, Study Hall is a free video series to help you determine if you should go to college and if so which one you should attend and with what major. They even offer online-only core classes for college credit.

Earn College Credits & Explore Alternate Schooling Options

Browse Scholarship by Deadlines

Federal Financial Aid Opens Dec. 1- Seniors, Set Up Your Account ASAP to Ensure You Receive Funding For College or Trade School

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Upcoming Scholarships

Planning Handbook

Helpful post high school resources from the updated

JHS College Handbook

** Follow the links from the Table of Contents for resources, tips, and links for a variety of post high school options, college planning tips, timelines and more. **

✔ Visit the JHS Counseling Applying to College page for info on Letters of Recommendation, requesting high school transcripts, registering for the ACT/SAT and more.


JHS Junior Handbook

JHS Junior Handbook Table of Contents

College Resources

  • College Board
    SAT and AP information & practice tests; college & scholarship search.
  • Big Future - College Search use these websites to find the best college, degree program and location for your post-high school education
  • FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aid
  • WASFA - Washington Application for State Financial Aid
  • Net Price Calculator find out how much college is going to cost and resources that will help you get there.
  • Virtual College Tours Want to take a virtual tour of a college campus?


Beyond four-year college, there are many options for continuing education and training after high school: