Students & Families
Lake Washington School District invites you to join ParentSquare!
Need Financial Assistance with Extracurricular fees? Use the below link for information and to submit forms
How to Waive Extra-Curricular Fees - Lake Washington School District (
If your family could use extra assistance with food or other daily resources please reach out to Ms. Ruan who will add you to our Family Resources list. We can make sure you have access to Pantry Packs, Nourishing Networks Safeway Vouchers, some basic household items, school supplies and more. Your information and request to be added will not be shared beyond Ms. Ruan and your students counselor. There are resources available, just let us know what you need and we will do what we can to connect you with them!
Have an incoming 9th grader?
If you have a current 8th grader that will be joining us next year please check out our Rising Ravens page for the most up to date information!
Student Expectations
Please see power point below that outlines different expectations for students here at JHS to ensure the safety and learning for all.
Accurate Contact Information
It is critical that we have current contact information for all our parents/guardians. Your address, phone number and email addresses can be updated by contacting Michelle Ruan, our Registrar, in the Counseling Office 425.936.1680.